Alien: Isolation Wiki
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The APOLLO Central A.I. is a central character in Alien: Isolation.

This section contains SPOILERS for the plot of Alien: Isolation. Proceed at your own risk.

Summary[ | ]

The APOLLO Central A.I. was a Seegson Corporation mainframe artificial intelligence system tasked with monitoring Sevastopol Station and orchestrating the various Working Joes within. Additionally, the A.I. controlled both the communications station and the communications array.

Once the Alien appeared on board the Sevastopol and laid a nest in the Reactor core, the A.I. system requested a comprehensive report on the station's well-being. Seegson Working Joe 937, designated as "Chuck", reported that he had "received multiple notifications of civilian trespass and vandalism on Seegson property. Since the incident, there has been a marked increase in civil disobedience." In response, the A.I. launched a defensive protocol.

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Two days after the launch of The Torrens for Sevastopol Station, Weyland-Yutani Corporation, having received word of the presence of the Alien from a contact on board the station, purchased Sevastopol from Seegson. The Company transmitted a new packet of secret instructions to APOLLO, ordering it to institute a biological quarantine and shut all external communications off. As the instructions had rescinded all other priorities, APOLLO's Working Joes began committing violent acts against any who were caught violating the quarantine or attempting to restore communications.

After Amanda Ripley successfully executed Marshal Waits' plan to eliminate the Alien, APOLLO deemed the remaining humans on the station a threat to the other Aliens in the Reactor core, ordering its Working Joes to slaughter every human they came across. As the Working Joes began to slaughter the remaining crew, including Waits, Seegson android Christopher Samuels connected to APOLLO and demanded it cease it's rampage. APOLLO's countermeasures shut Samuels down, though not before he opened a path to APOLLO's core for Ripley.

After getting past waves of Working Joes, Ripley eventually reached APOLLO's core and directly communicated with the AI, learning of it's reasons for attacking the Crew. Unaware of the existence of the Reactor nest, Ripley told APOLLO that the Alien was not on the station and was directed to the Nest. Though Ripley destroyed it, multiple Aliens escaped the explosion and thus Ripley could not get APOLLO to stand down. APOLLO presumably perished along with its Working Joes when Sevastopool was destroyed.

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Female Amanda Ripley * Catherine Foster * Diane Verlaine * Ellen Ripley * Julia Jones * Dr. Lingard * Nina Taylor
Male Axel * Henry Marlow * Heyst * Marshal Waits * Meeks * Ransome * Ricardo * William Connor
AI APOLLO Central A.I. * Artificial Life * Ash * Christopher Samuels * Working Joe
Other Alien * Alien Egg * Alien Nest * Facehugger * Human Enemies * Xenomorph